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I bought these products online with a little fear, but I really liked the buying process. I did not have to wait to receive it, always the attention was very helpful.
This shampoo is the best. I will continue shopping online. I am relieved to have found a quality product.
This gel provides immense hydration, my daughter bought it for me because I had tried several creams and gels and none worked for my skin type, always in the end I was left with battered and very dry skin but this one has treated my skin in a great way .
They are very responsible and helpful before, during and after making the purchase, give immense desire to continue acquiring products with you.
All requested products arrived in good condition. I had no problem.
The shampoo arrived on time and I really liked its smell. I like how my hair feels when combing it.
lo que más me gusta de este producto es la manera en cómo deja de limpio y fresco mi cuero cabelludo, con poca cantidad se extiende, hace mucha espuma, y si siento que ha disminuido la caída del cabello, recomiendo aplicar el producto y hacer un masaje con la yema de los dedos y si puedes usar un tónico anticaída para luego de lavar el cabello lo notaras mas fuerte, además el precio ¡es genial!
Très bon produit. Agréable et aucune mauvaise réaction.
Je ne recommande pas ce produit qui contient trop de composants à risque modéré selon moi.